Saturday, January 15, 2011


As e- goes down e- transport system, it energizes those molecules to take H+ from stroma. Another photon re-energizes e- once in PSII H+ leaves thylakoid structure via phasilitated diffusion, because it is moving across ionization gradient, to place that is less positive.
All this happens in a leaf.

Light dependent:
-Light (photon) comes in and energizes chlorophyll pigment in PII (P680)
-This breaks apart water molecules, leaving you with H+ ions, charges electrons, and free oxygen.
-The O (oxygen) will bond to another O and leave as O2- a waste gas.
-The charged electrons quickly lose energy, and the lost energy is used to transport H+ ions from low to high concentration.
-The electrons are then sent to the PS1 phase through the electron transport system.
-At this time, the H+ ions move into the thylakoid structure, and the electrons continue to the P700.
-Once at the P700 phase, the electrons recharge, take an H+, and bond it to NADP+ (using 2 energized electrons).
-This makes NADPH
-The H+ ions then go through a channel using phasilitated diffusion. From ATP synthase.
-This energizes the enzyme ATP synthase, and allows for the production of ATP (from ADP and an inorganic phosphate).
-ATP and NADPH carry the energy needed for the next phase of photosynthesis (light independent).

NADP+ traps energy of e- to attach H+, to form NADPH
Value of ATP: high energy unstable bond, so when energy is needed, it is easy to break that other P off A-P-P~P

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